Monday, 24 January 2011

Dr Kennedy Jones

I recently found this lovely artwork whilst trawling Pinterest, an addiction I have to kick but one that has excellent things on it! I love the worn collage elements of Dr Kennedy Jones' prints, particularly the top one...go see!


  1. hi there hope you are good; pinterest finds are lovely will check them out later and i recently joined pinterest to add some delights but not sure what to add now! duuur! your friends creatures below are so cute and simple. enjoy your week, take care and happy creating, linda...

  2. They're great!
    I tried pinterest a couple of times but the way the page reloads as you scroll down, made my head hurt!;D

  3. I've developed a massive pintrest addiction. It's a wonder I can get dressed and leave the far I've made 24 boards, 425 pins and 37 likes.........!!!!! Join in it's great.



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